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Today’s Christian does not pray, sadly enough, this is the honest truth. Jesus admonishes us to always pray and not to faint. Why has it become increasingly difficult for the Christian to obey this command or walk in this truth?
Several factors contribute to this epidemic of prayerlessness that has hit the church in recent years. Not only has the church become complacent but we have relinquished our authority to the devil and have become perfectly satisfied with the status quo. We have become ignorant of the enemy’s devices, yet we have countless spiritual weapons at our disposal. It’s time we rose up! It’s time we fought back!
The Audacity of an Intercessor examines the mechanics of warfare prayer through the perception and the mindset of an intercessor as a person.
Who is an Intercessor? How does one go through emotionally when praying or engaging in spiritual warfare? Do you know your presence or voice authority and how it works? Do you know how to effectively deploy the inner intrinsic weapons God has given you to daily overcome any challenge you face?
The author addresses these pertinent questions and more, through the leading of the Holy Spirit to help the body of Christ effectively fight the ongoing ministry or personal battles.
This book will help you become the weapon God has designed you to be. I decree you encounter God and may His presence overshadow you as you study this book.
God richly bless you

The Audacity Of An Intercesor

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